Thursday, April 12, 2018


I have come to realize that this life is what we make of it. Doubt and fear can keep us from truly making a difference. It is difficult to dream in a world full of dream-crushers. It is scary to set big goals that push you outside of that comfort zone. I GET IT ♡❤♡ I have been there! I used to speak in front of large groups and would get countless messages thanking me for being an inspiration and positive influence for others. But along with that comes negativity, negative messages, and the self doubt and fear creep in. I have experienced that fear and I let it overcome me and I actually stopped setting goals and I stopped reaching out to others because I thought I was doing THEM a favor! Now several years later feeling like I am starting over... nothing changed since I stopped and I really was not much better off, and worst of all---I have not made much difference in the lives of others by staying silent! I felt hopeless and lost... UNTIL THIS YEAR!

That spark has been RELIT 🔥 The desire to help others and make a positive difference NO MATTER WHAT negativity may come my way. I have already begun to change myself for the better! 20 pounds down so far and goals set so high they scare me! But I have a team of amazing people to stand with me! I have so many that have my back and I know that no matter what I may face, I am NEVER ALONE!! 🌟Seeing others believe in themselves and their potential is what fires me up! Being able to help others set and crush their own goals is one of the greatest most indescribable feelings in the world!

Message me YOUR goals and maybe I can help you relight that fire and desire within to do something greater than you ever imagined! Together we are better! ♡♡♡ #BeGreater #dreambigger #crushgoals


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