Thursday, February 8, 2018

If we don't know where we are going, how will we get there?

 Alright, I admit it: I am not fearless.
I let fear stop me from doing something HUGE that I was once very passionate about.
I once had dreams so big that they scared me and instead of pursuing them, I let my fear stop me.
I feared success and the difficulty it would take to get there.
I lacked courage and I gave up something I loved.
I made excuses to quit and I tried to blame others for my lack of consistency and drive.
I stopped setting goals.
I let myself become full of excuses as to why I didn't need to take care of myself.
I gained weight and became weak mentally, physically and spiritually.
I went into survival mode and tried to hide from the world.
I stopped reaching out and building relationships.
I unfriended many people so I didn't have to see their success, because their success only made me feel worse.
I still cared about people, but I stopped showing people I cared.
I made mistakes.
I learned that happiness doesn't just come naturally, you have to pursue it CONTINUALLY!

I realized that time will pass no matter what and if you change nothing, nothing changes.
I don't want to live my life with regrets of giving up something that had once given me so much hope.
To me, hope is what gives me a brighter outlook on life! It is what motivates me to become better!
It is what pushes me to progress and show others what is possible!
In sharing hope with others, I can serve as an inspiration and light in a world filled with darkness.

This is why I have decided to restart my progress.
This is why I am back to setting goals for myself.
I have experienced a life without goals and there was no progress made.
Of course I still love my family and always cared for my children, but nothing else changed.
It is frustrating to go from a life of major progress and improvement, to a life without that.
Love can only take us so far, but when we mix LOVE with PASSION and HOPE, we can become unstoppable!

High five to a life of progress and hope!



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